Friday, December 25, 2009


Hoping you all have a very Happy Holiday season. Sky is wearing her sleigh bell for the occasion!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Snow Day in Western NC - Sky and George

Sky and George get to play in the snow, we don't ususally see this much in Dec. Sky adores playing in the snow, George is not too thrilled about it, but likes less being left at home so he braves the wet and cold to walk with us. Since my car is stuck in our driveway, I guess I'll be doing a lot of walking the next day or two lol!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hunt Test at Walhalla SC - Dec 5 2009

Joe and I had the privilege of judging at the Dec hunt test in Walhalla SC. This is one of our favorite tests to run at and judge due to the wonderful grounds, super gunners, and especially the friendly club members and participants. We had some marvelous dogs presented to us, and Joe and I both agreed the overall quality and ability of dogs and handlers has improved by leaps and bounds. 3 master dogs, 5 senior dogs and numerous junior dogs earned legs and titles on this day - which is a judges goal, to pass deserving dogs. Thanks to Kevin Cragg, gunner extraordinaire, who captured these moments on camera to share with us.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sky's Tracking Certification Map

Today Grayhart Lightfoot Early Morning Rain JH, Sky, was certified to be able to enter an AKC Tracking Test. Our friend and tracking judge Dolores Brigham braved the 26 degree weather to lay a track for us at Vance Memorial in Weaverville, NC. Spots in tracking tests are very limited so to be able to enter a dog and handler team must first pass a track laid by an AKC tracking judge to show that they have the training and ability to pass an actual test. I've included a copy of the track that Dolores laid for us this morning. A Tracking Dog test (TD) is 440 - 500 yds long, with 3 to 5 turns. There is an article at the start flag and an ending glove which the tracklayer leaves. Except for a 2nd flag at 30 yds to show the direction of the track, there are no other marks or flags to indicate the direction or turns. Sky ran her 35 minute old track this morning in 7 minutes. She worked the 2nd turn to verify the direction by checking all around after losing scent, then took off again and never looked back until she pawed at the glove at the end. My sister Pam from Colorado was with me this morning and always brings good Karma. Dolores has certified 3 of my dogs now for tracking and is also a good luck charm for me. I thank them both for being there! Now to enter a tracking test!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Crime Scene

The crime showing the evidence and suspect caught red pawed after multiple Woobie deaths were reported. At least 10 long time friends of the suspect have been brutally mutilated due to late evening arrival of the suspects owner and lack of exercise. It is a sad, sad thing to resort to violence when too much energy meets lack of time! Suspect's owner has vowed to monitor the situation closely to prevent subsequent mass dismemberments.

George - the best feline friend

Our cat George surveying his kingdom and taking in the sun. George is quite the hunter and we often have "rodent rodeo's" trying to hem up his "prisoners" and release them outside to be hunted again. It is a new version of Catch & Release - kitty style.

Sky and her Yorkie pal Ian

Anne & Furman Owen visited last weekend with their two Yorkies, Emma and Ian. Ian and Sky like to play, and Ian does not mind helping himself to the "big dog" toys. It is a testament to Sky's stable temperament that she loves all creatures of all sizes. Ian likes to play tug with her especially, and it helps to dust the floors lol!